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Journal of Forensic Sciences ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text access available via ASTM from 1972 to 2005 (volume 17 - 50). Articles published from 2006 (volume 51 - present) can be accessed via Wiley Online Library.
(If prompted with login page, please choose "Academic Access", select Cranfield University)
ScienceDirectThis link opens in a new windowFull text access to subscribed journal articles and eBooks in the fields of science, engineering and technology. Also provides access to a current awareness journal alerting service. To search for full text content only click on the Journals or Books link in the top navigation bar, then choose All access types > Subscription and complimentary.
*Note: If you see an authentication error message, please clear Elsevier cookies from your browser.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowA huge index covering publications from 5,000 publishers in all areas of science, technology, medicine, and social sciences. It has several functions that allow searchers to personalise it to their own interests. You can set up email alerts for this database. Learn more about how to best use Scopus's advanced search. If you see an authentication error message, please clear Elsevier cookies from your browser. Ready to search like a Librarian? Learn more with Scopus video tutorials
Taylor and Francis eBooksThis link opens in a new windoweBooks published by Taylor and Francis in the areas of science, technology and social sciences, including CRC Press titles.To restrict access to titles that the Library subscribes to, rather than all content, choose the Show content I have access to search option. You can set up email alerts for this database.
Wiley Online LibraryThis link opens in a new windowFull text access to over 350 online peer-reviewed journals and 250 e-books. Covers business, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, education, engineering, law, mathematics and statistics, materials science, and psychology. You can set up email alerts for this database.
ASTM Compass Digital LibraryThis link opens in a new windowIndustry-leading standards and technical engineering information created by technical experts, covering a broad range of engineering disciplines.
British and Irish Legal Information InstituteThis link opens in a new windowBritish and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.
British Standards Online (BSI Online)This link opens in a new windowAccess British Standards and ISOs as well as technical handbooks, codes of practice, guidelines, specifications for product dimensions and performance. *Note: You need to download a plugin to download British Standards. Contact if you have any questions.
Cambridge CoreThis link opens in a new windowOver 171 journals published by Cambridge University Press stretching back from 1827 through to approximately 1996. This does not reflect our full text.
Digimap: Environment, Geology, Historic, and Ordance SurveyThis link opens in a new windowMaps and map data of Great Britain. Make maps online or download to use in GIS and CAD software. Provides access to Environment Digimap, Geology Digimap, Historic Digimap, and current Ordnance Survey maps of any location in Great Britain at a series of predefined scales. The "Marine" files are not available. Create a personal account to use this service: login, click on Ordnance Survey collection, and follow the registration pages as directed. EDINA will email within two working days to confirm your Digimap account is active.
IOP Science (Institute of Physics Journals)This link opens in a new windowIOPscience offers access to IOP Publishing's journals and contains more than 300,000 articles published between 1874 to present.
Janes Defence Equipment and TechnologyThis link opens in a new windowInformation and analysis on the air, land, naval and joint defence platforms, weapons and systems in service and under development around the world. Includes Data Analytics and specifications analysis.Ready to search like a Librarian: Learn more with the Understanding the basics guide (with links to the Defence Equipment & Technology help)
Knovel - includes interactive equations and property searchThis link opens in a new windowOnline eBook collection and technical reference centre for engineers and scientists. The individual eBooks are also listed in the Library Catalogue.Ready to search like a Librarian: Learn more with the Guide to using Knovel
PubMed (including access to MEDLINE)This link opens in a new windowA free digital archive of medical and biomedical science journal literature. Part of the US National Institutes of Health. Allows searching using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
SPIE Digital LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing access to technical papers from their journals and conference proceedings from 1990 - present.
Taylor and Francis OnlineThis link opens in a new windowFull text articles published by Taylor and Francis in the areas of science, technology and social sciences, including CRC Press titles.To restrict access to titles that the Library subscribes to, rather than all content, choose the Show content I have access to search option. You can set up email alerts for this database.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowPreviously known as Web of Knowledge, WoS includes the Conference Proceedings, Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Medline databases, and the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index. It covers a very broad range of subjects relating to science, technology, social sciences and medicine. The ability to carry out citation searching is a key feature.Ready to search like a Librarian: Learn more with the WoS Core Collection Quick Reference Guide (pdf)