ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers) are identification numbers assigned to published books. Each number is unique to each published work and cannot be reused.
We can provide you with a registered ISBN for Cranfield published material that you'd like to make available externally. We will also register the ISBN with the British Library.
To request an ISBN from the Library:
Please request an ISBN via email and include:
To request an ISBN from Nielsen for non-Cranfield material:
If you have non-Cranfield material to publish or prefer to purchase an ISBN directly, please visit the Nielsen website:
To request a free ISBN for non-Cranfield material:
Often self-publishing and print-on-demand websites will provide a free ISBN that is limited to their platform. These free ISBNs cannot be transferred to sell the same book via a different publisher. (The ISBN distribution rights are owned by the publisher, not the author). Each self-publishing platform offering free ISBNs will issue a separate ISBN for the same title.