Please note these sessions may be recorded.
These are the core topics we cover in our Lunch+Learn webinars:
Making your work open access
Managing and sharing data openly
Predatory publishing - what is it and how can you avoid it?
Publisher deals
Using DMPonline to write an effective Data Management Plan
For the first half of 2024 our team will be focussing on providing training and guidance for the new CRIS system, but we will try and fit some core topics in too!
Don’t forget you can check on the Past Sessions tab for slides from previous sessions. If you need immediate help, please contact our team.
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Predatory publishing - what is it and how can you avoid it?
Presenter: Mandy Smith, Research Support Librarian
Have you ever been approached to submit an article to a journal you are unsure of? Or submit your thesis to a publisher you have never heard of? Or even been invited to join an editorial board? Join us for a brief guide to predatory publishing, why you need to know, and how to avoid being caught out by it…
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Recording of the session
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Managing and sharing data openly
Managing and sharing data openly refers to the practice of making research data available to others for the purposes of transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration. This involves properly managing data throughout the research process, including collecting, storing, and analysing data, as well as making it available through repositories or other data sharing platforms. Open data can lead to increased collaboration and innovation, as well as greater visibility and impact for research. However, there are also challenges and ethical considerations that must be addressed when sharing data openly, such as ensuring confidentiality and protecting sensitive information.
Working within an open data policy, the FAIR Data Principles act as a framework to promote the broadest reuse of research data, providing credibility and recognition for authors, and leading to increased public trust in research. Join us to discover more about promoting ‘FAIR-ness’ in your research.
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Tuesday 14 November 2023
Publisher deals
Did you know the Library has signed deals with many of the major publishers (including Elsevier, Wiley, Springer) which enable Cranfield authors to publish journal articles gold open access at no extra cost? There are differences between the deals (for example which journals are included, and what you need to do to ensure your article is eligible) so if you are thinking about submitting an article soon, or just want to find out more, this session will cover the key things you need to know.
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Recording of the session
Thursday 19 October 2023
Making your work open access
What do I need to do to make my article open access? Will there be an article processing charge? What is an AAM and what does it look like? Here's your chance to learn from our library experts on the most effective hassle-free way to make your research open access.
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Tuesday 3 October 2023
Have you ever located papers that have been attributed to the wrong author or wish you could have an online page of your research outputs that you manage? This session will introduce you to the benefits of having an ORCID, how to register for an account and how to link your ID to the CRIS and indexes such as Scopus.
Monday 31 July 2023
Using DMPonline to write an effective Data Management Plan
All researchers produce data during their investigations and good data management is vital in underpinning research excellence and integrity. The UK Research Councils (such as EPSRC or BBSRC) also require universities and researchers to follow certain procedures about how their research data is managed if they receive research council funding. This is also a requirement of Cranfield University’s Management of Research Data Policy.
If you’re starting a new research project or expect to soon, join us to discover the best way to start managing your research data effectively – by creating a dynamic plan using DMPonline.
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Wednesday 25 January 2023
Secret Scopus
Presenter: Mandy Smith, Research Support Librarian
Scopus is one of our top recommended databases to search for publications in your subject area. Did you know that it has several really useful features that many people don’t ever notice? This webinar will show you what some of them are and how to use them.
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Recording of the session
Tuesday 20 September
Study skills: saving time with Mendeley
Presenters: Mandy Smith, Research Information Specialist
During this webinar you will be provided with an overview of Mendeley, its key functions, some time-saving tips to better organise your literature and a demonstration of how to produce reference lists in official Cranfield or journal specific citation styles, with time at the end for questions. Following this overview, you may wish to sign up for a hands-on, step-by-step session through the DRCD or with your Research Information Specialist.
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Getting started worksheet
Recording of the session