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Open Access

Compliancy checklist

If you’re writing a paper for publication, there are six main aspects you should consider to ensure it complies with your funder’s policy and is eligible for the next REF.

Check that your preferred journal’s open access options are compliant. You can use the JISC Open Policy finder​ or email the Library’s Open Access Team to ask.

UKRI accept both Gold and Green routes to open access, but if the Green route is taken, your article must be available immediately without embargo.

Horizon2020 requirements: The green route is acceptable as long as the embargo is under 6 months, or 12 months for social science research.

The article should include a funder acknowledgment in the format described in the Acknowledgement of Funders in Scholarly Journal Articles (pdf)​​ guidance which the University’s Research Committee has formally adopted. Examples of how to format funder acknowledgements can be found in sections 7 and 8 of the guidance.​
Any underlying data (experimental results, models, code, etc.) should be published in Cranfield’s data repository CORD so it has a DOI. Your paper’s acknowledgements section must include a data availability statement.
> Full research data management guide.
As soon you receive confirmation that your work is going to be published, send the acceptance email, and the Author accepted manuscript (AAM) if you are publishing via the Green route, to The Library will put the item on CRIS, and check REF and funder compliance.
You may have to pay an article processing charge (APC) for immediate publishing under Gold open access. Check with the Library as we have deals with a wide range of publishers to cover APCs. There is also a limited fund available to cover APCs where there is an industrial partner. See Apply for funding to pay an article processing charge (APC) for further details.
We strongly advise that you choose the CC-BY licence option. The publisher will usually ask you to choose the licence during the submission process.

What is CC-BY?