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Writing your thesis

Formatting your thesis

Prescribed form for the thesis 

There are set guidelines for the layout and submission of your thesis, depending on whether you are a taught or research student. University advice for conducting, writing, printing and submitting your thesis is published on the Thesis submission site on the intranet. The library has also published Guidelines for the layout and submission of your thesis, this document provides guidance on the format and layout of Master's and PhD theses.

It is recommended that you consult your supervisor if you are unsure of how to present your thesis and to check if your course has any specific requirements for thesis presentation. 

Note: you can browse our collection of theses and dissertations, not only for finding information, but also for looking at examples of the structure, methodology and referencing styles you should use.  

You will also find advice and support to help you develop a variety of skills on our Study Skills Hub, including guidance on academic writing and being critical.