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Financial resources

Top recommended resources

The essentials: Sourcing financial data

This is a table showing the content of our finance resources.

Please click on the table to open PDF in new window. Alternative format available on request. 

Company accounting data:

For public companies worldwide use Capital IQ and Bloomberg. For data on private companies in the UK and Ireland use Fame. 

Stock prices and indices: 

Data is available on companies, indices and exchanges worldwide via sources such as Capital IQ, Bloomberg and Datastream via Workspace. 

Brokers' and analysts' reports: 

Ideal for researching financial transactions or tracking company performance over time. Use Capital IQ or Bloomberg for access.

Specialist financial resources:

We also have more specialist resources which provide data on areas such as mergers and acquisitions, private equity, banking and company governance.

Any questions?

Come and talk to us so we can advise you on the best source.