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A wide variety of sources exist for company research. Choose from the following:
Check Factiva for companies worldwide. Profiles tend to include information on company history and structure, major markets, products and services and a SWOT analysis or similar. Profiles are also available in EBSCO Business Source Complete and ProQuest One Business. Short sector-specific profiles can be sourced via Passport.
For up to date information on any company it is also wise to check for press coverage. Use Factiva to search both national and international press. Other useful publications include brokers' reports via Capital IQ or Bloomberg which provide analysis of company performance.
Valuable insights can be gained through comparing a company to its peers - using a set of financial variables and ratios. Capital IQ, Factiva and Bloomberg all provide both pre-defined and customisable peer comparisons for listed companies. For public and private firms in the UK and Ireland, use Fame.
Company accounting data can also be useful. Track financial variables over time or against an industry group. For financial data, use our Financial resources page.
Come and talk to us so we can advise you on the best source.