Consideration should be given to which limiters you use in the databases you have selected. You would not usually select the full text search field as this is likely to include irrelevant results. The default search field in Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest One Business (ABI Inform) and Business Source Complete (EBSCO) can be used:
Index/Database | Default search fields |
Scopus | title/abstract/keywords |
Web of Science | title, abstract, author keywords and keywords plus |
ProQuest One Business (ABI Inform) | anywhere except the full text |
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) | searches several fields including article title, abstract, subject headings and keywords |
Indexes such as Scopus, Web of Science and subject databases such as ProQuest One Business (ABI Inform) and Business Source Complete (EBSCO) provide filters (refining options) to help you refine your search results. Here are some examples: