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Knovel - includes interactive equations and property search This link opens in a new window
Online eBook collection and technical reference centre for engineers and scientists. The individual eBooks are also listed in the Library Catalogue.Ready to search like a Librarian: Learn more with the Guide to using Knovel
O'Reilly (formerly Safari) This link opens in a new window
A collection of more than 32,000 IT and software, engineering, maths, business and personal/professional eBooks from leading publishers.
Springer Nature Link eBooks This link opens in a new window
Provides access to purchased eBooks in the area of computer science, engineering, business and management, economics and life sciences. To display purchased titles only uncheck the Include Preview-Only content option at the top of the screen.
SPIE Digital Library This link opens in a new window
The most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing access to technical papers from their journals and conference proceedings from 1990 - present.
SAE Mobilus - Academic This link opens in a new window
Access all SAE Standards, all SAE International Journals, SAE Magazines, and SAE EDGE reports. Also includes every SAE Technical Paper published since 1906.Ready to search like a Librarian: Learn more with SAE Mobilus Minute Videos
Taylor and Francis Online This link opens in a new window
Full text articles published by Taylor and Francis in the areas of science, technology and social sciences, including CRC Press titles.To restrict access to titles that the Library subscribes to, rather than all content, choose the Show content I have access to search option. You can set up email alerts for this database.
ASME Digital Collection This link opens in a new window
Access papers published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Full text: all ASME journals since 1960, and all conference proceedings from 2008 onwards.
Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new window
Full text access to over 350 online peer-reviewed journals and 250 e-books. Covers business, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, education, engineering, law, mathematics and statistics, materials science, and psychology. You can set up email alerts for this database.
ASTM Compass Digital Library This link opens in a new window
Industry-leading standards and technical engineering information created by technical experts, covering a broad range of engineering disciplines.
ScienceDirect This link opens in a new window
Full text access to subscribed journal articles and eBooks in the fields of science, engineering and technology. Also provides access to a current awareness journal alerting service. To search for full text content only click on the Journals or Books link in the top navigation bar, then choose All access types > Subscription and complimentary.
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