Taylor and Francis Online This link opens in a new window
Full text articles published by Taylor and Francis in the areas of science, technology and social sciences, including CRC Press titles.To restrict access to titles that the Library subscribes to, rather than all content, choose the Show content I have access to search option. You can set up email alerts for this database.
EBSCOhost research databases This link opens in a new window
A broad range of full text and bibliographic databases designed for research including: Business Source Complete, E-Journals, eBook Collection, ERIC, GreenFile, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Regional Business News.
ProQuest One Business (includes ABI/INFORM) This link opens in a new window
Includes access to ABI/INFORM Collection; Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection; Asian and European Business Collection; Business Market Research Collection; and Entrepreneurship Database. Full text: 1971 - current (with some embargoes).
One Business also includes access to scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, company reports, industry reports, dissertations, books, and videos.
Emerald Insight This link opens in a new window
Articles from Emerald's international portfolio. Covers a spectrum of management disciplines as well as a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology titles. Email alerts available. Full text: varies, archive access back to 1994.
Sage Journals This link opens in a new window
Access to full text articles contained within 571 journal titles from Sage going back to 1999.
Reading lists
Defence Leadership reading lists - reading lists by module.