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Search tips - test area

Interactive and video guides

The following videos and guides contain advice on how to get the most out of searching our Library databases.

Discovering Quality Information

The Discovering Quality Information eLearning module explains the different types of information you will need to use for your studies at Cranfield, and when they are useful. It is usually undertaken before you attend the face-to-face session we run during your induction programme.


Researching academic literature 1: the basics

Use of advanced search, phrase searching, Boolean (AND/OR/NOT) and the importance or searching for synonyms. (Duration: 3:56 mins)


Researching academic literature 2: wildcards, proximity operators, and selecting search terms

Using wildcards, proximity operators, and selecting search terms (Duration: 4:31 mins)


Researching academic literature 3: advanced search techniques

Building complex search strings. (Duration: 2:40 mins)