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A huge index covering publications from 5,000 publishers in all areas of science, technology, medicine, and social sciences. It has several functions that allow searchers to personalise it to their own interests. You can set up email alerts for this database. Learn more about how to best use Scopus's advanced search. If you see an authentication error message, please clear Elsevier cookies from your browser.
Ready to search like a Librarian? Learn more with Scopus video tutorials
Previously known as Web of Knowledge, WoS includes the Conference Proceedings, Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Medline databases, and the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index. It covers a very broad range of subjects relating to science, technology, social sciences and medicine. The ability to carry out citation searching is a key feature.
Ready to search like a Librarian: Learn more with the WoS Core Collection Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
Access British Standards and ISOs as well as technical handbooks, codes of practice, guidelines, specifications for product dimensions and performance.